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Gallery Exhibits



Nature's Mirror

Artist's Reception

April 12

7 PM

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Join us to meet the artist, view his works, and enjoy refreshments. All are welcome. Exhibit runs through May 31st. Call 609-239-0029 for an appointment.

Sean Hamilton

& Norman Daley

Contemporary Art



Feb 24, 7 PM

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A word from Sean: 

My hope is that whatever I see in my mind's eye, and feel in my heart I will be able to authentically transfer onto my canvases. My dream is to bring to light the endless possibilities of how works of art can help us see new perspectives about life and the value of creative expression. 

A word from Norman:

I chose expressive abstract fluid art strictly as a way to describe my feelings. It’s more spiritual when I create my work, from the colors I pick to the techniques I use. My intuition drives me to work until I am satisfied. I’ve learned to capture my energy from within and leave it on the canvas. I know a higher source is helping me create and guiding me. Each piece is personal and original. Every art piece I create is one of kind!

This exhibit runs until March 31. Call for an appointment!

Alka Mukerji

Reception: March 17, 2023

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A word from the artist: The scope of my work for “Flows the Dawn” is tremulous and unsettled, featuring tapestry, printmaking, and paintings made with blended acrylics, watercolors, and oils — choosing only one form of paint seemed presumptuous and inappropriate for the mood of the moment.  The work presents itself as fluid, at times hinting at directness, but in reality, awash in auroral subtlety and moving lightly from form to form and emotion to emotion. 

Like the diverse techniques and processes I used to create the pieces, there are many layers and interweavings in each: the traditional and cultural with the unorthodox and the unexpected; the global and societal with the private and intimate; the obvious and straightforward with the hidden and mysterious — in other words, the textures of who and where I was and who and where I am now — tinged, of course, with the anticipation of who and where I will be.

Richard Lewis

The Pine Barrens

Artist Reception:

Friday, July 15th, 2022

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM

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Richard Lewis has been a professional and fine art photographer since the 1970’s with a passion for landscapes, abandoned buildings, and interesting people. While he travels to find unique landscapes, his favorite location is the New Jersey Pine Barrens. He uses both a professional digital camera, drone, and an iPhone to create his work.

Richard’s inspiration comes from landscape painters and has developed a style he calls "Painting with a Camera”. This involves equal effort in both creating and post processing an image.

Richard is an active photography blogger, lecturer, instructor, and conducts workshops in the New Jersey Pine Barrens. He also has published a book titled “Photographing the New Jersey Pine Barrens”.


Lewis Exhibit runs 7/15 - 8/28, 2022

Pete Green





Feb 7, 2025

7 pm

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Mayor Green's exhibit will run until March 16, 2025. Please call the office for an appointment: 609-239-0029

Angela Auletta



September 23, 2023

7 - 8:30 PM

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A word from the artist: 

As I think back on my life, art has always been a huge part of it.

Since retiring I have been able to focus totally on creating things I love especially botanical illustrations and my book series, using my favorite mediums of watercolors, acrylics, and gouache.

And most of all I believe I have inspired my granddaughter to make art a part of her life too.

Dressler Smith 

 Art Exhibit


February 10, 2023

7 - 8 :30 PM

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Dressler Smith is a painter and pastel colorist who favors tranquil landscapes and ethnic images. This exhibit will run form February 10 2023 until March 10, 2023. The artist will hold a talk on March 10, 2023 at 7:00 PM. There is no charge for the reception or the talk.

Maggie Fischer Artist Exhibition:



Artist reception: Friday, September 16th, 2022

7:00 PM - 8:30 PM


Maggie Fischer paints one-of-a-kind abstract pieces for creatives, collectors, families, and businesses using locally scavenged natural and manmade elements to give every piece a texture all its own. 


Her work explores texture, movement, shape, and the cycle of natural decay and renewal. 


The artist says "You can see roaring oceans and feel the sand shaped by tides slipping out from beneath your feet." 

Fischer Exhibit runs 9/16 - 10/ 28



(609) 239-0029

432 High St

Burlington, NJ 08016

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Funding has been made possible in part by the New Jersey State Council on the Arts / Department of State, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Burlington County Board of Commissioners, Department of Resource Conservation, Division of Parks.

© 2022 by Lyceum Hall Center for the Arts. Proudly created with

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